SEO Best Practices
As every web copywriter knows, writing content for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes includes constantly evolving and changing strategies.
When practiced best, SEO content writing does not distract the reader from the content. This practice also dovetails, not so coincidentally, with what search engine engineers are looking to catch with their algorithms.
In its most basic form, in order for a search engine to function optimally for its users, search engine builders design software search bots, or “spiders”, that catch relevant and informative results. These spiders are designed to find quality sites that serve users’ needs well. These sites are then ranked with reference to each of the sites’ citation importance. Although citation importance is an objective measure, it corresponds well with users’ subjective idea of importance.
As every e-commerce site administrator knows, a page ranking most often has a monetary consequence in that the higher the ranking of a site, the more web traffic is correspondingly increased.
The upshot for copywriting is that skilled SEO writing is a way of marrying what the users (and thus the search engine spiders) want, and what content providers are aiming to do with their sites.
Contrary to some who may view this as trying to reconcile two opposing aims, fitting the two ends together comfortably is always preferable. This is where real communication happens.
A natural fit, however, does often require some skill and a bit of intelligence in finding the synergy between users and providers.